Poverty – Ebook Publication – Reflection

1. What did you enjoy about this task?

Searching new things and understand that, also making book, however that’s quite tired.

2. What didn’t you enjoy?

When you research information you need to read a  lot of words, paragraph, text……. I’m have no power for reading stuff, It’s ok for comic, but i can’t really read the books or the website are all words and no picture.

3. What did you learn?

Many country still have lot’s for people living in poverty, they are “really” poor.

4. How would you change this unit if you were Ms Sam for the next year?

For this topic, I think I’ll tell student to watch or we watch all the episode of one dollar a day together, and discuss, the start searching country.

5. Any other comments?

No.  It was fun actually.

Child Poverty

  1.  What would you and your family eat each day.  Write a food journal from what you ate yesterday.  Create a table like this and fill it in about all of the food you ate and drinks you drank.
Time of day Food and drinks you consumed How much do you think each one cost in rupiah?
Breakfast Hand made cake/bread The material cost about 30.000
Snack Fried rice from school 20.000
Lunch Vegetable, meat and rice Around 35,000
Snack Cookies 15.000
Dinner Rice, vegetable, meat and soup Eat outside can be cost about 300.000

about 80.000 or 100.000 eat at home

  1. Can you live below the poverty line?

More than 1.2 billion people a day live below the poverty line on lesson than $1.50 a day.  That figure (amount of money) is how the international community defines extreme poverty.  It’s a condition which doesn’t just mean hunger.  For children especially, it means malnutrition and being denied a healthy future.  Could you limit your spending every day so that all you can eat and drink each day only comes to $1.50 for five days?

– I don’t think I can live below 1.50, but maybe I meal under 1.50…

Poverty through the eyes of a child

(Joannnnnnnne/five years old/living in jakarta)

I’m a child who born in a very poor family, my parents died when i was 3 years old. I don’y have money to go to school to get education or buying food and stuff, i don’t have any place to sleep or even stay, i don’t have any clean water to drink, and i have got many disease, but i don’t have any help to go to the hospital.

When I woke up in the morning, there are so many nosies all around me, the motor bike, the bus, cars and people shouting. I always woke up in the morning by my brain told me I’m hungry, I can small people selling food around me, but I don’t have any money to buy, even i don’t have anything to change with them. I don’t have any power to stand and walk, i can only lye down on the streets and smell the food.

However when some people walk around me in the morning,they might give me some coins, i can save them all and get a lunch or dinner sometimes. Also the seller will give me some soup before he go home, it always be my first meal in a day.

in the afternoon i can saw many student walk out from school, i’m so envious them, i really want to go to school and study. Students wearing their uniform and walk around and chat, I don’t really understand what are they talking about because i don’t have money to go to school and learn.

I have nothing to do every day, i can only looking at people, they might give me some money, they are so nice, i hope one day i can go to school, or get three meals a day, i tell those things to god everyday, and sleep.



A Project – One Dollar a Day

1.If you could live on just one dollar a day.  What would you buy?  What can a dollar realistically buy?

I believe that if you live in center of city you can not even using one dollar to buy thing. (maybe a bottle of water and a cup noodle) but if i live and born in a village that is poor, i think their food or things will not be too expensive. For example in Indonesia their local noodle or soup is only 7,000 Rp.

2.  Who are the boys? What are the boy’s planning to do?  How do they prepare for the trip?

They are students from the same collage, they want to understand how does people living with one dollar a day. They don’t really know what should they prepare for “two month’s clothes” because this is their first time to try to “living with one dollar a day”.

3.  What problems do you think they may encounter?  Why will these be problems?

They are going to a place they never went before, so I think they might don’t understand the map and the language of the city(?), also when they are eating their local food, the flavor and the test will be different between to the city. They probably will get sick in there but they can not really go to the hospital, because they only have one dollar per day.

4. What are the the questions they hope to answer?

How do people live in one dollar per day?

How does it feel?

What problem will happen when people living will one dollar per day? How can they stove the problem(quotation)?

5.  What are the statistics they mention?

There are 1.1 billion people living with one dollar(or under) a day.

In Guatemala there are 50% of the population and nearly 75% of Mayan and other natives are living poverty.

6. What is your reaction to this project?

I think this is a really nice project, but in my opinions, i would like to stay only 1 month, i think two months is too long.


What was the simulation?

Everyone get their card, there are top, middle and lower three parts, we experiment living in different level.

Who was your character?

my character is Middle D

What happened to your character?

i having work right now, i can take are of my family and give them they basically “need”. but i’m worry i might lost my job then i have to do to the lower part of the world.

How did this process make you feel?

i have some friend in taiwan they are not really rich, i think they are in the part which is between middle and lower, i know they can not to things they “want”(ex: having a ipad) i don’t really know how they feel, however when we doing this game, i start understanding how people feel they look something they want but they do even have chance to “have it”.

What did you learn about society through this process?

we need to help people if they need, also people living in hight level maybe will be arrogant.


In last class we talked about “Living in different level in the world”. I really in joyed that lesson, it was really good we try to “experience” the top, middle and poor life in the whole world.

I did experience that the top of out class(the world) can have everything they want (even more then their expect) . In middle part of us, we can get things we basically “need”. For me my card tell me i have a work right now, but i’m worry that i might lost this job then demote to the poor level. In the lower of the class, they have to be sit on the ground and share the food all together, their health can be break if their living in poor country or village, using not clean water..etc.

This topic is really important to understand the “daily life” in the whole world of every level. However it doesn’t  really feel like we are in the english class.

Reflection – VideoScribe

I made a video using VideoScribe, the topic is Chinese New Year.

VideoScribe is a really good program for making “video” for presentation. It is easy to use, inside the program have a lots of material you can use, and all material are useful. I used a lot of beautiful material from VideoScribe. But sometimes I can not search the picture that I want, don’t worry, you can search the picture that you want, and put it into VideoScribe, it will “draw” for you! And you can chose what kinds of “drawing” you want, it’s really useful. When you done the video, you can start recording!! You can record your voice to present your video.

After you finished making video, you must to save it, but video need to take long long long time to save. Why I have to say three times? Because it really really really take a long long time. I tried to upload to YouTube, first time I upload, I took about 2 hour, and it FAIL. I do it again and again, until five times, saving this stuff and upload to YouTube it take me all night to do it.

VideoScribe is a really useful program to work on, but I don’t really want to use again, it take me forever to saving the works.




my…..video….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUraOVUUp8s